熱門關(guān)鍵詞: 蔬菜清洗機  干燥設(shè)備  噴霧干燥機  乳品設(shè)備  雙錐回轉(zhuǎn)真空干燥機  振動流化床  果蔬機械  空心槳葉干燥機
您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 >> 材料/配件/倉儲/服務(wù) >> 泵閥管件
產(chǎn)品關(guān)鍵詞:法蘭高壓電磁閥 進口法蘭高壓電磁閥  
  • 產(chǎn)品名稱:進口法蘭高壓電磁閥
  • 產(chǎn)品編號:LIK-001
  • 產(chǎn)品商標(biāo):LIK
  • 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格:LIK
  • 參考價格:面議
  • 更新時間:2016/3/9 15:00:54
  • 點擊次數(shù):960次


一、應(yīng)用范圍    Applications



    It is widely used in aerospace, shipbuilding Heavy Industry, petrochemical, industrial furnaces,

boilers, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, fire-fighting equipment, drying equipment,F(xiàn)ood medical

equipment, cleaning equipment, landscape irrigation, fountains, water and other piping systems

二、產(chǎn)品特點    Features


△Stainless steel piston, movement sensitive, life is 100 million times; autocratic coil   easily burned;

valve installedShielding="Verdana">三、工作原理    Work



△ Normally closed type: coil power, the main valve to

   open by medium pressure force; coil power, valve closed 

△Normally open type: coil power, the valve closed; coil power,

   pressure forces the main valve opens by media                                                                 


When the exit pressure is greater than the inlet pressure, medium

Back to pass against the wizard.

Check valve can be installed or ordered withnon-return valve function

四、法蘭型規(guī)格尺寸   Flange type Size

五、主要技術(shù)參數(shù)  Main technical parameters

△產(chǎn)品型號   Product Type:             


△Action by: direct-acting type, direct-action step, Pilot.


△Body material: cast steel body, stainless steel. (Steel body can not be used in corrosive fluidShielding="Verdana">△控制方式:常開、常閉、自保式。

△Control mode: Normally open, NC, self-protection type.                                               


△ Suitable medium: water, gas, oil, steam, gas, corrosive fluid                                                                                                  
△工作溫度     Operating temperature:                                                


△防護性能:防水、防爆(Exd IICT5)、防腐。

△ Protection performance: waterproof, explosion-proof (Exd IICT5), anti-corrosion                                               
△工作電壓    Operating Voltage:                                                                                               


△Wiring: Wiring Block type , lead type , socket


△Additional features: with signal feedback, with manual control, with a return function

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