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產品關鍵詞:拆框機 自動拆框機 禽類拆框機械 
  • 產品名稱:自動拆框機
  • 產品編號:
  • 產品商標:銳智智能
  • 產品規(guī)格:空
  • 參考價格:面議
  • 更新時間:2022/5/20 10:42:02
  • 點擊次數:537次


Automatic Basket Removal Machine






Function introduction:

1. The separation of live birds into cages is one of the heavy manual work in the slaughterhouse. With the increasing output, the labor intensity of this work is also increasing. The adoption of birdcage stratification machine can greatly reduce the labor intensity of workers, save personnel, can save tens of thousands of funds one year.

2. Feather chicken frame Separating Machine is into a pile of bird cage, through the PLC control of the manipulator, the birds cage for lifting, clamping, falling, separation, and the conveying mechanism to transfer to the live poultry birds cage online, to achieve the purpose of separating the cage.

3.The overall equipment adopt stainless steel material, computer intelligent control, using imported pneumatic equipment, lubrication, fittings such as testing, equipped with statistical records system, appearance neat and beautiful, easy to clean; The distributed servo system makes the operation smooth, reliable and adjustable speed. High speed transmission rollers with variable frequency have low running resistance, low noise, wear resistance, adjustable speed, etc., suitable for different working environments.



產品參數Product parameters



名稱                                     參數                          


外形尺寸                     L2500×W2800×H3850(mm)



*大拆框速度                       20框/分鐘

Maximum frame removal speed


平輸機高度                           850mm

Flat conveyor width


運輸筐規(guī)格              740X540X270(mm)       可根據客戶框子尺寸進行試機調整

Transport frame specification 


總功率                                 6.2KW

Total power




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